
Department of intelligent mining engineering

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WANG Jiachen

Date:2024-06-28 Click:

Wang Jiachen, Professor of China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Directors of the Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Disposal in Coal Mining, Ministry of Emergency Management, the Top-coal Caving Mining Research Center of China Coal Industry, and the Sino-Türkiye Research Center for Thick Coal Seam Mining. Member and Secretary General of the 8th Mining Engineering/Oil and Gas Engineering Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council, Deputy Chairman of the Mining Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, member of the National Scientific and Technological Terms Examination Committee. Selected in the national tens of millions of talents project, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions, enjoy the special government allowance of The State Council, and won the title of national excellent teacher and National Advanced individual in textbook construction. He is mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research in thick coal seam mining, stope ground control and open pit slope. He has presided over a number of national key research and development projects, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, "973" project and dozens of enterprise projects. Won the third National Innovation Medal, Sun Yueqi Energy Award, American Mining Metallurgical Exploration Association Syd S. Peng Mining Ground Control Award; One of the second prize of National Teaching Achievement, one of the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, three of the second prizes, and twelve of the first prizes of Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award. He has published 5 books and more than 200 papers.

Next:PAN Weidong